Thanks to help the pregnancy crisis was overcome.
Caroline: «I am immensely glad to have both of my children!»

Good advice is costly and valuable

Caroline (26) is married and mother of a daughter (1½). Her chances of finishing her studies in the near future look good. Unfortunately, her marriage is going through a crisis. Her husband has been distancing himself from her more and more. Making ends meet proves difficult due to his low salary in the food service industry. Finishing her courses is therefore even more important so she can finally help support their family. Then she becomes pregnant again! Fortunately she discovers the SAMC and receives valuable advice and help.

Caroline is distraught: how will she ever manage to finish her studies with two children to care for? Shortly thereafter, she realises that her husband is seeing other women. Her situation appears hopeless. She begins to see an abortion as a way out of her troubles, but she is afraid.

In Need of Good Advice

Torn, Caroline searches the internet for phrases like «abort yes or no» for advice and help. She finds the website of the SAMC. Impressed with the stories of all the women who kept their babies despite being in trouble, she contacts the helpline.

A counsellor listens to Caroline, who explains that her husband has turned his back on her and refuses to accept any responsibility. She begins to cry. She is relying on the financial help of her mother and is unwilling to ask for more. It worries her especially that, with two children and no job qualifications, she might not be able to pull herself out of her plight. It is for these reasons that she considers having an abortion.

The counsellor bolsters Caroline up. They soon make plans to meet.

Valuable Advice

When Caroline and her daughter get together with the counsellor, she tells her that she has seen her child in a ultrasound. Then she asks whether the counsellor considers it ethical to abort a baby in the ninth week of a pregnancy, to which she answers that personal freedom stops where the freedom of another person begins. The unborn baby is a distinct person with its own heart, hands and feet, and even ten fingers and ten toes!

Caroline explains that before this pregnancy, she had always been against abortion because it is already «life». To this, the counsellor asks in return if she thinks that her difficult situation has any influence over whether the unborn baby is a person or not?

Caroline becomes pensive. «But what happens when I am left alone with my two children and then don’t manage to complete my studies?» she asks. The counsellor then explains just how the SAMC can support her, so that it is easier for her to finish her course.

While Caroline considers this, her gaze falls on her little daughter, who is playing happily on the carpet. Finally she says, «I interrupted my studies not too long ago for Mia. She was worth it … and I was even younger then!» Then she adds: «It would somehow be unfair, if this baby would not be allowed to live.» Caroline has arrived at the critical point. For her it is now clear: she will keep her second child.

Then the counsellor shows Caroline the large storeroom with baby clothes and supplies. This cheers her up. She is fascinated with the sheer amount of beautiful things, and realises that the promised help is real.

«Immensely Glad»

The counsellor accompanies Caroline throughout the pregnancy and helps her with a lot of things for the baby.

After the birth of her healthy baby boy, Caroline tells her counsellor, «It is so beautiful and touching to see the caring love that my Mia has for her brother. When I see it, my heart overflows. Just imagining the possibility of not being able to experience these moments with my two children is like a nightmare! I am immensely glad to have both of my children!»

Soon Caroline is able to give her counsellor the good news that she will be finishing her studies in a few months and will be then able to find a job in that field. Until then, the happy mother receives financial help from the SAMC for the additional costs that the new baby brings. Caroline now has first-hand experience: Good advice is not only costly, it is especially valuable!