Happy family.
Instead of an abortion and a separation, there is one more familiy. (© panthermedia.net)

First 2 Times No, Then 2 Times Yes

Sometimes people aren’t looking for help from the SAMC, but to confirm their opinion that abortion is the right solution for them. With the good advice of the SAMC, however, the view of a seemingly hopeless situation can completely change.

The incredible story began one and a half years ago: A woman takes contact with the emergency call centre of the SAMC: Her sister, Jeannette, 30, is pregnant and wants to abort. And this is a good decision! She has nothing to offer the baby because she is all alone. A counsellor explains to her how the foundation devotes itself to protecting life and therefore can’t support abortions. But Jeannette has to abort, insists her sister. She was just about to get married when she got pregnant. The baby’s father, however, now refuses to get married and is pushing for the abortion. The counsellor responds to the concerned sister with offers of help, which results in a meeting with the pregnant woman and her sister at the office of the SAMC.


Jeannette Conquers Her Inner Conflict

At the meeting with the SAMC, both a male and a female counsellor are present. Jeannette seems very worn out. She keeps repeating: «I don’t want this baby!» and begs that they help her to get rid of the child. With no professional training, she lives from hand to mouth. As a single parent, she thinks, her situation will always stay bad. She would actually like to keep the baby, but her fiancé broke up with her and so she finds herself in the position that she has no choice but to say no to the child. Both counsellors tell Jeannette again concretely just how the institute can help her effectively in her situation, and hand over informative literature to read at home. Before they say goodbye, however, there is a private conversation from woman to woman.

The contact to the SAMC and the information have obviously triggered something in Jeannette. She is ready to meet with the counsellors again. Fully aware that this could be the last meeting with Jeannette, they again show the harried mother how she can survive this most difficult phase of her life with the support of the SAMC. Because of this, Jeannette is able to come to the conclusion that accepting the offers of help is better than aborting. She says yes to her baby.

Now it is time to convince her ex-fiancé. In order to do this, the counsellor travels clear across Switzerland with the car of the emergency call centre. The talk goes well, and builds trust, but the man doesn’t let his opinion be changed.

In order for Jeannette to have more career opportunities, the SAMC offers to pay for her training at the Red Cross. Even though her situation brightens up in that time, Jeannette goes through a terrible crisis once more. The perspective of remaining alone hits her hard. One day, she tells the counsellor she only wants to die. Then she begins to feel the baby’s movements. This contact with her child changes her mind completely. She now says that she is so glad that she didn’t get an abortion.


Unexpected Happiness

The SAMC will help the young mother to prepare herself for the birth and with collecting articles for the baby. And that was necessary. The little boy arrived earlier than expected. The SAMC now takes care of Jeannette financially until her situation becomes more secure.

The improvement happened in an unexpected way: A few months after the birth of her son, shortly before Christmas 2014, Jeannette visits the SAMC office – with his father! He changed his mind and can now say yes to his child and to his fiancéé. They are sure they want to get married!

The efforts to save a life were so successful: Instead of an abortion and a broken relationship, there is now a happy family with a father, a mother and their child!